Sunday, January 22, 2012

Assignment 1

I was hereby ordered to type up two newspaper websites I approved of. To be completely honest, I would have to say I don't care for any at all. I am completely happy with CNN, NBC, or even FOX web coverage. I can't put my finger on it, but it is just something about those three that I like more. To sit down to the USA Today, Anniston Star, or Washington Post websites just isn't the same for me. That, though, would not get me a grade that I care too much for, so instead, I  chose the least bothersome. NY Times. Chosun Ilbo. These two are the newspapers, when I choose to read them every leap year, that I read. Why? Let's see.

NY Times. It is the most popular! Duh! So, I have to give it a quick notice every now and then. On top of that, I like the fact that it looks full. There always seems to be something else to talk about, It never looks empty or like they have to fill the space with some meaningless ad. Okay. I'm not blind. I do recognize the ads they have, but it is the placement of the ads that make it not so annoying to me. I can skim right down the page and not even notice that my brain is noticing them!

Chosun Ilbo. This is probably unfamiliar to all of my audience. It is the Chosun Newspaper. It's Korean. No. I am not fluent in Korean. I do know the names of all the characters, how to write and pronounce them, and I can manage a few phrases, but I'm a far cry from fluency. I read the English version. How did I get started? I'm glad you asked. I have a sister, who has managed to make it up to conversational Korean, and who happens to have already accomplished her life long dream of teaching English in a foreign country...more specifically, South Korea. Before she left, due to our tight bond, I was dragged around (ha ha ha not really. I loved it) to meet every nationality of Asian cultured friend she has. Japanese. Chinese. Indian. Saudi Arabian. Taiwanese. Vietnamese...the list goes on. So many!  My sister found, though, that she really loved the Korean culture. Thus, I read the Chosun Ilbo to keep up the goings-on of where my sister is located as of now. I like the paper's site because it is set up quite different from American newspapers. It's just a good break from hearing the same ol' same ol American stories. It's more, dare I say it, peaceful. Even though I read a story about a politician getting kicked out cause of his corruption, I happen to look over to the side of the paper and see the most peculiar little cartoon character just sitting there to tell me there is still humanity in the world.

You, undoubtly, won't understand my drift, but I get it, and it is an honest reason why I choose to read it.

Next, I have to name a website I don't like. That would be our Blackboard. Why? It's stupid. No more explanation needed. But since I am risking my grade here, I shall explain one of the many stupid faults it has. I HATE it's set up. The color scheme, I now associate with BOREDOM. I feel an instant dose of anti-Redbull whenever I pull up the site. Seriously, could it not get any worse. Who puts piles and piles of shades of gray on top of each other. It's like it was crafted to send college students off to failure by purposely making it completely dull! They at least could have to done the corny trick of  "let's make this math book colorful, so we can pretend it's fun!" trick. Don't say it was done to look professional, either! No. There is a difference in professional looking sites, and just plain uncreative!!!

Now, I will name a general site I do like...for once! Netflix! It is convenient. It has unlimited movies and tv episodes. The color scheme is beautiful! It has unlimited movies and tv episodes. It supports foreign movies, if you're into that. It has unlimited movies and tv epidsodes. It is set up in an interactive manner...and...has
unlimited movies and tv episodes!

Finally, I will end off with a negative note. Another website. This time? Media. That would be MySpace. Plainly put--it's a nest for pervs and whores or kids that want to feel like they are grown and want to put themselves out there because they don't know that pervs and whores are looking at them! Or..they do know and are just too young to recognize the danger. That's how I label it. I am aware that people use it for other means, but I have heard too many unfortunate stories with MySpace and label it as such. I am proudly going to say that I have never owned a MySpace account. I did have plenty around me that did. They used it for the right things, so they never got into any trouble, but I still have distaste for it. The stereotype is too far in my skull. I do love Facebook, though! Ha ha ha! Is that bad? LOL.

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